

[1] When Should Platforms Break Echo Chambers? (with M. Mostagir).

[2] A Model of Online Misinformation (joint with D. Acemoglu and A. Ozdaglar). NBER Working Paper no 28884. Revise & Resubmit at the Review of Economic Studies. (Formerly called “Misinformation: Strategic Sharing, Homophily, and Endogenous Echo Chambers”)

Media Attention: Vox article

[3] When is Society Susceptible to Manipulation? (joint with M. Mostagir and A. Ozdaglar). Management Science (2022).

[4] Social Inequality and the Spread of Misinformation (joint with M. Mostagir). Management Science (2022).

[5] Learning in a Post-Truth World (joint with M. Mostagir). Management Science 68(4), 2860-2868 (2022). [Fast track]

[6] Strategic Reviews (joint with M. Mostagir). Management Science (2022).

[7] Systemic Credit Freezes in Financial Lending Networks (joint with D. Acemoglu, A. Ozdaglar, and A. Tahbaz-Salehi). Mathematics and Financial Economics 15 (1), 185-232 (2021).

[8] When do Misinformation Policies (not) Work? (joint with M. Mostagir). Working paper (2022).

[9] Centrality in Stochastic Networks (joint with M. Mostagir). Working paper (2020).

Ongoing Work

Please email me at siderius at mit dot edu to request a copy of the most recent draft.

[10] The Welfare Implications of Online Media Business Models (with D. Acemoglu, D. Huttenlocher, and A. Ozdaglar).

[11] Competing for Limited Attention on Social Media (with D. Acemoglu and A. Ozdaglar).

[12] An Experiment on Algorithmic Ranking: User Behavior, Platform Incentives, and Policy (with D. Huttenlocher, C. Lyu, and A. Ozdaglar).

[13] Fighting Fire with Fire: An Experiment on Misinformation Sharing Incentives (joint with D. Acemoglu, A. Berinsky, C. Lyu, A. Madry, A. Ozdaglar, and D. Rand).

[14] Misinformation Online to Offline: A Twitter Field Study (with D. Acemoglu, A. Berinsky, C. Lyu, and A. Ozdaglar).

[15] Engagement-Maximizing Social Media Algorithms: How Platforms Shape What You Think (with S. Cen and A. Ozdaglar).